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Using the Data Extractor function with Model Builder

01-18-2012 11:49 AM
Emerging Contributor
I am trying to use ModelBuilder to automate a process that I do to create a personal geodatabase for our field laptops. In ArcToolBox I can't find the "Extract Data" button that is in the Distributed Geodatabase toolbar. Does any one know how to extract the layers in an MXD to a personal geodatabase using modelbuilder? Below are the steps that I am trying to automate using modelbuilder.
Steps to Creating New Field Laptop Data
1. Open \\srvch-gisapp1\ArcGIS MXDs\ IAMS\Water Utilities\ForExtractionToLaptopRevised.mxd
2. (Distributed Database toolbar) Extract data in map to: \\srv-gisapptier\CityWorks\downloads as gisdata_date.mdb
3. Copy .loc files to from (old) geodatabase to gisdata_date.mdb
4. Rename gisdata.mdb to gisdatabackup
5. Rename gisdata_date.mdb to gisdata.mdb
6. Zip the new gisdata.mdb file. Hint right click and ???Send to??? zip file
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