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Usage of M-Values for a polygon

10-03-2022 10:42 AM
New Contributor

Not sure if this is the right community to address this question to...I notice that polygon feature classes can have an m-value.  I understand the use of m-values for linear referencing, but can someone please explain a  practical scenario of how m-enabling a polygon would be used?  I've done some research, and can't find an answer to this question.  Thanks

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MVP Notable Contributor

I have to admit I've never used M-enabled polygons so the "how" I assume is exactly the same as if you were using say an M-enabled polyline. Thus all the same methods you might call on an M-enabled polygon should be the same as the M-Polyline. The "why" would be anything to do with measuring along a border. May be you want to sample along a lake border at 200m intervals? Identify entrance points into some space? etc etc.

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