Hi there, I am attempting to modify the Batch Project script to:[INDENT]a) read from a text file of file names located on our serverb) build a mirror of the paths to those files on my local machinec) output to my local machine at the end of those paths. The paths should also be appended to a user specified location[/INDENT]My code works to an extent, but stops after the first projection, as per:[INDENT]Projected S:\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geochem\Geochem Merged\Pyramid_PanCon.shp to C:\Users\revresources\scratch\shapefiles\Test_Output\test3\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geology\SWAK 2008 mapping shapefiles\2008_Alteration.shp successfully.Failed to project S:\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geochem\Geochem Merged\Pyramid_Rocks.shp. Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.ERROR 000725: Output Dataset or Feature Class: Dataset C:\Users\revresources\scratch\shapefiles\Test_Output\test3\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geology\SWAK 2008 mapping shapefiles\2008_Alteration.shp already exists.Failed to execute (Project).Failed to project S:\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geochem\Geochem Merged\Pyramid_Silts.shp. Failed to execute. Parameters are not valid.ERROR 000725: Output Dataset or Feature Class: Dataset C:\Users\revresources\scratch\shapefiles\Test_Output\test3\FMM\_Projects\Pyramid\Reports\Pyramid\Data_Transfer\Pyramid_FromJoey2010oct\GIS\Geology\SWAK 2008 mapping shapefiles\2008_Alteration.shp already exists.Failed to execute (Project).[/INDENT]Here is my code:#Import required modules
import ConversionUtils, time, sys, os, arcpy
#Define message constants so they may be translated easily
msgWorkspace = ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86109) # Message "Output workspace does not exist: "
msgCoordinateSystem = ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86110) #Message "Must Enter a Spatial Reference or Template Feature Class."
msgFail = ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86111) # Message "Failed to project "
#Set the input datasets
inputs = [item.replace('\n', '') for item in open(sys.argv[1]).readlines()]
for line in inputs:
line = line.replace("\\\\", "\\")#changing slashes to single slashes
#print the stripped line
(drive, path) = os.path.splitdrive(line)
arcpy.AddMessage("path before the join is " + path)
print "path before the join is " + path
arcpy.AddMessage(" ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(1) before the join is " + ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(1))
arcpy.AddMessage(" ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(1) after the join is " + ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(1))
arcpy.AddMessage("path after join is " + path)
# print "outdata is " + outdata
# print "path after join is " + path
arcpy.AddMessage("outdata is " + outdata)
(path2,fileName) = os.path.split(outdata)
except OSError:
print "Skipping creation of the following path because it exists already: " + path2
#if path exists, this will be printed
arcpy.AddMessage("Skipping creation of the following path because it exists already: " + path2)
#print line.strip()
output_workspace = ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(2)
#Set the spatial reference
output_coordinate_system = ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(3)
#Set the template dataset
template_dataset = ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(4)
#Set the transformation
transformation = ConversionUtils.gp.GetParameterAsText(5)
#Message 86112 "Projecting multiple datasets ..."
ConversionUtils.gp.SetProgressor("step", ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86112), 0, len(inputs))
if (output_coordinate_system == "" or output_coordinate_system == "#") and (template_dataset == "" or template_dataset == "#"):
raise ConversionUtils.GPError(msgCoordinateSystem)
elif (output_coordinate_system != "") and (output_coordinate_system != "#"):
sr = output_coordinate_system
elif (template_dataset != "") and (template_dataset != "#"):
dsc = ConversionUtils.gp.Describe(template_dataset)
sr = dsc.SpatialReference
for input in inputs:
#outdata = ConversionUtils.GenerateOutputName(input, output_workspace)
#Message 86113 "Projecting "
ConversionUtils.gp.SetProgressorLabel(ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86113) + input)
ConversionUtils.gp.Project_management(input, outdata, sr, transformation)
print outdata
#Message 86114 "Projected %s to %s successfully."
ConversionUtils.gp.AddMessage(ConversionUtils.gp.GetIDMessage(86114) % (input, outdata))
except Exception, ErrorDesc:
msgWarning = msgFail + "%s" % input
msgStr = ConversionUtils.gp.GetMessages(2)
ConversionUtils.gp.AddWarning(ConversionUtils.ExceptionMessages(msgWarning, msgStr, ErrorDesc))
Any help would be appreciated