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Trouble converting a csv from fusion tables to layer

10-10-2013 11:16 AM
Occasional Contributor
I have a csv file containing linestrings. I am having trouble converting this to a layer file. is it possible?

Example of one of the linestring.

<LineString><coordinates>-80.019151,37.299035 -80.020731,37.299138 -80.021509,37.299121 -80.022838,37.299121 -80.024209,37.298731 -80.025519,37.298536 -80.02691,37.298177 -80.027585,37.298064 -80.030122,37.297543 -80.030859,37.297315 -80.031165,37.297266 -80.032045,37.297185 -80.032782,37.297201 -80.033355,37.297103 -80.035012,37.296941 -80.038122,37.296534 -80.04074,37.295866 -80.041354,37.29559 -80.041825,37.295525 -80.043237,37.295492 -80.043237,37.298064 -80.043646,37.299268 -80.046653,37.299203 -80.047922,37.29904 -80.050152,37.299626 -80.049579,37.300912 -80.049354,37.301417 -80.048965,37.302116 -80.048188,37.303646 -80.048249,37.305665 -80.050357,37.307406 -80.050152,37.307618</coordinates></LineString>
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2 Replies
Esri Alum
That looks like KML to me. There's a GP tool for that.
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Occasional Contributor
That looks like KML to me. There's a GP tool for that.

I did try that, but I changed the file extention to kml and used the GP tool, but it threw an error that it was an invalid file.
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