I am using the Table to Excel Script to export a table from a model. This works nicely for one table. However, the data I am processing within the model comes under a number of different Themes and is stored in separate tables.
Is there a script/tool available that allow multiple tables to be exported to the one excel file in different workbooks?
many thanks
From reading the help for Table to Excel, it wouldn't seem to allow you to do this. Only as separate excel files.
You may have to roll your own with python / xlrt.
Doing a quick browser search, it looks like there are ways to do this with Python using Pandas. I haven't used Pandas so can't give much advice on that, but I'll tag a few that might know more Dan Patterson Xander Bakker Darren Wiens
But this also looks like a place I would start Combining Data From Multiple Excel Files - Practical Business Python
and a few others from the comment section of that thread and another search on Pandas and Excel
Creating Excel files with Python and XlsxWriter — XlsxWriter Documentation
Working with Python Pandas and XlsxWriter — XlsxWriter Documentation
python - pandas: Writing to an existing excel file (xlsx) using to_excel - Stack Overflow
pandas.DataFrame.to_excel — pandas 0.18.1 documentation
(I could have used something like this to combine file myself last night)
If you have Pro installed, the distribution makes installing excel stuff easy, an example given here