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Split polyline with a line or a point

05-19-2011 11:17 AM
New Contributor

I would like to split a set of polylines with a layer of points but it seems that nobody found a solution for this issue in the previous topics. I have tried to use the Split Line At Point tool but nothing happens, I get no lines cut.
I also tried to cut my lines with a set of vertices with Split Lines at Vertices but I face the same issue. I have to put all my vertices in the polylines layer but it still doesn't cut my polylines.

Any ideas? 🙂

Thanks by advance!


PS : I work with ArcGIS 10.
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8 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
Are you sure the points are exactly coincident to your line? In geodatabase or shapefile? Can you post the data, or an example of some points/lines that don't cut?
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New Contributor
Are you sure the points are exactly coincident to your line? In geodatabase or shapefile? Can you post the data, or an example of some points/lines that don't cut?

Sure, please find the files in attachement. I would like the points or the lines to be perfectly snapped to my network. My goal is to cut the network at each point or line intersection. When I apply a spatial selection, all the points are considered to intersect the network but when you zoom a lot on the data, they are not snapped to the network. I guess this is due to the tolerance value when you calculate a new position with the Near tool. Actually, none of the Split At Vertices or Split At Points tools worked.

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MVP Honored Contributor
I tried Split at Point, too, with a search distance of 5m and it gave very strange results.

If you would be okay with slightly shifting your lines so that they meet, you can use the Feature to Line tool with a small XY tolerance (like 5m), inputting both your "lines" and "network" feature classes (I assume you have ArcInfo license since you tried Split at Points). Then you can use the Snap tool to bring the points to the endpoints in your new line feature class (make a copy first because it will change your original feature class). This all worked for me. Hope it helps.
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New Contributor

Thank you for your answer. I'll try your procedure. It seems that we could also have a solution with this Model Builder:

Thank you for your time and help! 🙂
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New Contributor II
I am using ARCGIS 10 sp2
I am using a geodatabase
I have 79 points that are absolutely cooincident with a single line.
I want to split the line into segments defined by the 79 points.
I am using Split Line At Point tool and its returning a line of the correct overall length but only split into 2 segments.
Anyone have this experience? Looks buggy to me. 

Thanks much for any assistance
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Occasional Contributor

Did you ever find a solution to this problem?  It is the same for me in ArcGIS 10 sp5.


I am using ARCGIS 10 sp2
I am using a geodatabase
I have 79 points that are absolutely cooincident with a single line.
I want to split the line into segments defined by the 79 points.
I am using Split Line At Point tool and its returning a line of the correct overall length but only split into 2 segments.
Anyone have this experience? Looks buggy to me. 

Thanks much for any assistance
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Occasional Contributor
Can I send you my data that has exactly coincident points and a line and see if you can diagnose what is going on?  In other words, the Split Line at points is not working for me with my existing data and I know it is coincident.


I tried Split at Point, too, with a search distance of 5m and it gave very strange results.

If you would be okay with slightly shifting your lines so that they meet, you can use the Feature to Line tool with a small XY tolerance (like 5m), inputting both your "lines" and "network" feature classes (I assume you have ArcInfo license since you tried Split at Points). Then you can use the Snap tool to bring the points to the endpoints in your new line feature class (make a copy first because it will change your original feature class). This all worked for me. Hope it helps.
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New Contributor III

you can use split by line in Editor tool, here helps you  split line in arcgis - YouTube 

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