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Split method for "Geometry Ratio Split Policy"

02-18-2014 07:57 PM
Emerging Contributor
The only luck I've had with this setup is manually splitting polygons by either drawing a new line or tracing an existing line or poly. I was hoping to use the "split polygons" tool but it seems to maintain the original attribute value ignoring the ratio.  Is this by design? Using 10.2.1.

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MVP Honored Contributor
The only luck I've had with this setup is manually splitting polygons by either drawing a new line or tracing an existing line or poly. I was hoping to use the "split polygons" tool but it seems to maintain the original attribute value ignoring the ratio.  Is this by design? Using 10.2.1.


I don't see a "split polygons" geoprocessing tool.  Is this a toolbar tool?  If it is a toolbar tool I don't know how to make it work with a split policy if it does not automatically do it.

For a geoprocessing tool if you feed the feature class in directly I am sure the ratio policy will be ignored.  The only way to make a geoprocessing tool take the split policy into account is through the Make Feature Layer tool with a field mapping that specifies the fields that have a ratio policy.  Even then I am not sure it will be observed in every case.  Here is what the Make Feature Layer tool says:

"A split policy can be set by using the Field Info control Use Ratio Policy option. The split policy comes into effect any time the feature layer is being used as an input to a tool and a geometry of the input feature layer is split during processing. When the split geometry is sent to the output, a ratio of the input attribute value is calculated for the output attribute value. When Use Ratio Policy is enabled, whenever a feature in an overlay operation is split, the attributes of the resulting features are a ratio of the attribute value of the input feature. The output value is based on the ratio in which the input feature geometry was divided. For example, if the input geometry was divided equally, each new feature's attribute value is assigned one-half of the value of the input feature's attribute value. Use Ratio Policy only applies to numeric field types."
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