I am looking for tool to spatial sort polygons in shapefile. Sorting should be done on certain attribute which is more important than others:
I need this shapefile structure for symbolizing layer in gis software (developed inside company)which does not support symbol levels in cartography as ArcGIS does.
I found 4 tools:
Any other solution?
a quick solution
should take about a minute
Can you elaborate on what you mean by "spatially sort?" It appears to me you are primarily sorting by attribute, e.g. Ced. Do you want to spatially sort within that attribute? If so, what spatial attribute of the polygon do you want to sort on?
Sort (Data management) solves the problem You have to add new column (i.e. Rang). Polygons that I want to be on top, were given value 1, other were given value 2. In Sort tool you choose Rang as field and descending sort method.