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Slow start time delay for license initialization and application launch

12-07-2011 12:31 PM
Emerging Contributor
I work offsite for a major university running through a VPN. I'm running intel dual-core@2.8GHz with 4Gb ram, 32-bit platform. Pinging the license server gives a response time averaging around 25ms.

I'm trying to do desktop development for a stand-alone desktop application that requires license initialization and the arcmap application. My problem is that it takes 90 seconds for the license initialization and then another 2 minutes to start the arcmap application every time I change a couple of lines of code. This is too much.

Can anyone give me some advice on how to reduce the delay for license initialization start-up times. Do I need to run some diagnostics to identify the problem?

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4 Replies
Esri Alum
If you're on 10.0, you can try going in to ArcGIS administrator and borrowing a license.
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Emerging Contributor
Hi Jason,
Thank you for your response. That sounds like it would solve my problem.

I am using arcgis 10.0.0. I borrowed the license using the desktop administrator. Now Arcmap hangs on start-up. It stays on the splash window and doesn't progress. Any clues as to what the problem might be?

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Emerging Contributor

I deleted the environment variable
  ARCGIS_LICENSE_FILE 27004@licenseserver
and arcmap is loading ok, still takes about 45 seconds for license initialization.
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New Contributor

I deleted the environment variable
  ARCGIS_LICENSE_FILE 27004@licenseserver
and arcmap is loading ok, still takes about 45 seconds for license initialization.

This tip also worked to improve my load time (start time)!
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