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Should there be a new "Python Scripting" forum?

10-27-2010 09:38 AM
Honored Contributor
Should there be a new "Python Scripting" forum that is seperate from the existing "Geoprocessing" and "ArcGIS Desktop - General" forum topics?

For the "long story" background on the issue:

The basic arguments are (and I am trying to be very 'fair and balanced' here, although maybe I shouldn't 😞

Yes: Python scripting continues to become an increasingly popular and important method to automate GIS workflows and with advances in v10, no longer applies to only geoprocessing tasks. Providing a separate "Python Scripting" forum will make it easier for knowledgeable contributors to reply to Python-related questions and provide a more focused and easy to browse knowledge base resource for all users interested in Python scripting.  

No: Fewer forum topics is better, as many new ESRI users do not know what forum to post their questions under. Having fewer forum topics concentrates traffic and maximizes posts. The more threads in a forum, the better chance the thread will be responded to. Python-related questions are best left in the existing "Geoprocessing" and/or "ArcGIS Desktop - General" forums.

Python users (or would-be users) unite! Help shape the new ESRI forum... Vote!
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85 Replies
MVP Emeritus

's not critical... But if Jim has a magic wand to do that sort of thing, by all means.

That is exactly what I hope wouldn't happen.
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Honored Contributor
If Jim were to create a new forum for Python, what is the argument to not consolidate existing Python-related posts from other forums there (other than it being a pain in the :o)?

I suppose it may be a bit conflicting to move a post entitled "How to execute SDE commands via Python" that was currently in the SDE forum. But, as my basic argument basically states, I think a question like that would stand a better chance of being answered if it was in a Python forum in the 1st place. I agree there is some grey area, but not a huge amount...
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MVP Alum
Another question in regards to your response to #3:

Do you think Esri should move any and all existing python related discussions (like those currently in Map Automation, etc) to the future Python subforum?

If Jim were to create a new forum for Python, what is the argument to not consolidate existing Python-related posts from other forums there (other than it being a pain in the :o)?

I suppose it may be a bit conflicting to move a post entitled "How to execute SDE commands via Python" that was currently in the SDE forum. But, as my basic argument basically states, I think a question like that would stand a better chance of being answered if it was in a Python forum in the 1st place. I agree there is some grey area, but not a huge amount...

Wow, this is starting to get good.  Pythonistas Unite for a common good.  The conversation is starting to get a bit complicated.  Should we do this, should we do that, what if it is this, what if it is that, what if it says this, what if it says that or that, along with this.

Why not just create a new thread called Python, and see if it grows.  Keep the existing GP forum, keep all the existing posts where they currently are at, let the process work itself out.  In 6 months, if Python is not used, Kill it, and move the stuff in it to other areas.  If its hopping by then move existing posts here or not, it really shouldn't be a huge issue.  I do see that the Yes vote is progressing a bit faster than No.  Perhaps we can get a few more additional GP/Analysis members on here and see what they think, not to discount Jason or Kevin's votes.  Ultimately, they have to monitor this thread, and at times respond to the community that they support, but this is a community and this will be the Users Forum for Py.

While all this is happening, Staff can continue to make search better.
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Deactivated User

Okay, so I invite you guys to go to the main page: and pick a group, whether Extensions, Functions, etc, and just go down the list and you COULD very well write a python script for use in a majority of these topics. If I had a question about automating my Map Templates (using data driven pages) with a python script, and I want it to populate values for my edit feature templates, and have it kick off a report as well, where do I put that question? (This is something we are actually looking at but I haven�??t posted this question yet). Will I put this in Map Automation (for data driven pages), Python (because it is a python script), Map templates (can we even do this for edit templates yet?), Cartography (for edit templates, also concerns layouts and possible layout optimization), or in ArcGIS Desktop-General (because of that report element)? And if I was having a heck of a time getting my buffer GP tool to work for my Silverlight web app, do I put that in the GP or Silverlight forum? You guys might have better examples of these types of scenarios but I think you know what I mean that basically, a question can easily cross multiple forums/subforums.

This is exactly why a tagging spider wont work. The cross catagory nature of all of the things we do would require a really intelligent spider.

I have to dissagree with moving existing posts. That would just create confusion and like the above example, on what criteria would you move posts?. The new forum should be just that new. We need this new forum to get the number of posts of general python questions in other forums down, but that doesnt change that we need to some how promote tagging.

Oh and Riverside, I believe I am a pythonisto not a pythonista 😉
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Regular Contributor
The focus here I think should be building a "community" of knowledgeable and motivated contributors and making it easy for them to contribute answers.

I think this is key.  People aren't getting answers like they used to because the answerers don't know where to look.  If I have a question I want answering about automating my geoprocessing workflow using python I could ask a geoprocessing expert or a python expert.  I think people are more likely to consider themselves the latter.  Hence python forum.

I guess this question needs to be directed at the people who come on this forum mainly to answer questions.  We need to find out what their areas of expertise are, and create forums accordingly.  So that people posting questions know who to ask.

I think there are more "python" experts out there than "geoprocessing" ones, or "map automation" ones etc...
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Honored Contributor
Moving existing posts, which I really don't feel strongly one way or the other, is a pretty small detail overall, and is really a side issue. If it will help grease the wheels towards the end goal, I say no - don't move existing posts. I'll admit: If I posted a question about scripting the Clip tool using Python and put it in the new ***Python Forum***, and then ESRI created a new Clip tool forum (because some wingnut begged and pleaded with ESRI to create a Clip tool forum for say maybe the last 4 months or so), and then ESRI moved all the Clip tool posts to the new Clip tool forum - yes I'd probably be mad about that. Leave it up to the users where their posts go. If they want it in a new forum, they can cross post it there.

New Python forum topic.

Don't move posts.

Sink or swim.


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MVP Emeritus
Python forum wingnut ..... Clip tool forum wingnut...
...beginning to see a pattern  :0   good example!!! but we don't think of you that way Chris
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Occasional Contributor
Arcpy.mapping if nothing else makes python a separate catagory from GP. Taking python into its own forum would open up the disscussion to more avenues than just GP.

I am confused.  Is arcpy.mapping a part of GP or not?

I think the split would be good on the grounds that python isnt just about GP. You can do all sorts of stuff to your tables and data that have nothing to do with the "geo" part.

Like what?  What do you mean by "Geo"?  Does it have to be "Geo" to be Geoprocessing or "Geo" run a Geoprocessing tool? Can you use arcpy or anything in the geoprocessing framework and have it not be GP?  Like if I have a standalone table, no spatial stuff to it yet and just use "field calculations", "delete fields" join tables to another standalone" what is that?  That could just be processing but I'm getting it ready for future analysis...

What "stuff" are you talking about other than a response of not using the arcpy module?  I think the manipulation of tables is mentioned down there too:

From the Help:
"Geoprocessing tools perform small yet essential operations on geographic data, such as extracting and overlaying data; changing map projections; adding a column to a table; and calculating attribute values, polygon overlays, and optimal routes, to name a few... "
"Geoprocessing is a language consisting of operators, or tools, that operate on the data within ArcGIS (tables, feature classes, rasters, TINs, and so on), and perform tasks that are necessary for manipulating and analyzing geographic information across a wide range of disciplines."
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Occasional Contributor
Should any and all Python related discussions go in a future Python forum?

#3. Ideally yes.

Do you think Esri should move any and all existing python related discussions (like those currently in Map Automation, etc) to the future Python subforum?

It's not critical... But if Jim has a magic wand to do that sort of thing, by all means.

It is either a true Python forum or not.  BTW, Michael Grossman and team may not like both answers...
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Esri Regular Contributor
Great to see this much input.   Thanks all.   A few comments and answers I can throw in that might help.

>...very complex spider that was constantly crawling the forums tagging things

One the one hand, I see how a crawler that was good at auto-tagging posts would be great.  But as a practical matter I'd weigh the benefits against the costs of building and maintaining the rules, and manually cleaning up after the exceptions and mistaggings.   On the other hand, even if well-implemented how much really would such a system improve search results more than the vBulletin indexing and search tool already in place?

Example:   If we kept the big bucket "All Extensions" forum, I'd  feel pretty confident setting loose an auto-tagger on that.   Most  extensions are pretty discrete, do things that no other extension does,  have terms that mostly belong to it and no other.  I have no such  confidence that an auto-tagger would be as successful on the whole of  ArcGIS when it comes to the different dimensions of workflows,  functions, users, developers, industry application, solutions, etc.

> Jim already said he wouldn't (or at least be reluctant) to institute an forum crawler auto-tagger.

I'll admit to you all.  There are plenty of ideas that on the quick face of it seem good, but then we don't implement after weighing the cost-benefit of the idea, and weighing the improvement against what other things are broken in the process.   I hope that answers the simple question of "If autotagging would be good, why don't you just do it?".  I could come up with probably dozens of terms we use in GIS that mean different things in different contexts.  If our categorical buckets had a nice clean set of discrete terms with little vagueness or overlap, sure.  I guess for the moment we're stuck on the thought of "will it make things so much better versus the cost?" or "might it actually make things worse?"

>Do you think Esri should move any and all existing python related discussions (like those currently in Map Automation, etc) to the future Python subforum?        

I would suggest "no".  

Contrast:  When we had a sock-drawer "Extensions" forum, the overwhelming request was to split them.   We created 12 forums on these fairly discrete topics.  There is reasonably very little overlap between them; little complex weaving that connects some of them.   Then I plowed backward through time over 500 threads manually and neatly parsed them out into the new set of separate extensions forums.  It only took about a day or so.  There were very very few that stumped us as to where to put them.

In the case of Python, that will be nearly impossible to do cleanly in a way that makes sense to most of us.  Some threads are cleanly about Python syntax, others are really about some operational topic that uses Python heavily, and some are really about some problem to solve that might include later some post about Python code.

So to support in a way what Goh_Raj is saying, the factors which will make it difficult to split out old threads is exactly the same issue that will make it tough to know where to start threads going forward.  If I'm doing map automation or if I'm doing geoprocessing, is my topic really about that, or is it about using Python to do that.  And then after I pose the question, depends on how people reply.   The thread could really dive into Python headfirst, or it could stop talking about Python altogether.

Again we're back to:  "I'm using Python to do some GP task.  Which forum do I put it in?"

But then, against Goh_Raj's point we have done this successfully before.   We've had very successful forums in the past labeled "VBA" or "Java" or labeled "AML", "Avenue", "ArcObjects", or "MapObjects", or what have you, that have helped folks learn how to code against these APIs and solve problems regardless of the type of operation (GP, symbology, map output, projections, some industry-unique application, etc.)

Example:  I'm coding ArcObjects to do some Geocoding.  I may get a good answer if I post in the Geocoding forum.  I may get a good answer if I post in the ArcObjects forum.  I may just go ahead and post in both forums.  I'd rather let users decide.   But this example supports the creation of a Python forum despite it making things more complicated in some situations.   Or maybe we need a forum software that allows you to make a single thread appear in more than one forum if you want.  This one doesn't.

In my estimation, starting a new "Python" forum will make some usage of the forums more confusing.  But in the end, if what you're there to talk about is Python scripting, regardless of what you're doing with Python, you would have a single place to go that would be watched by others who are also primarily wanting to talk about and help you with Python.

>If Jim were to create a new forum for Python, what is the argument to  not consolidate existing Python-related posts from other forums there  (other than it being a pain in the :o)?

We'd leave the old ones where they are. Doing so would be trying to judge shades of gray with the question Is it white or black?   In the future, we would hope that if a user's question is MORE about Python scripting than GP or whatever else they're doing with Python, hopefully they'll put it in the Python forum.  If their question is MORE about GP, and the use of Python is helpful yet incidental to the topic being discussed, hopefully they'll put it into the GP forum.   If we go that route, that's the best we can expect.

>But if Jim has a magic wand to do that sort of thing, by all means.

LOL.  No.  I split the extensions ones manually myself.  And that had nice clear lines.  This simply doesn't.

>Why not just create a new thread called Python, and see if it grows.   Keep the existing GP forum, keep all the existing posts where they  currently are at, let the process work itself out.  In 6 months, if  Python is not used, Kill it, and move the stuff in it to other areas.

Splitting the Python Forum posts back into the forums that cover topics they're using Python for would be easy.  Black and white.  Going the opposite way, that is, plowing through all of the other forums to determine which ones should be moved to a "Python" forum is gray.   But I'd rather not consider "ease of reversal" as a factor as to whether or not we should do it.

***There is and will be no clear-cut answer.
***All of the ideas in this thread will make something easier while making something else more difficult.
***What we decide will be what we think helps the most and breaks the least.

Thank you all again for your input.  I expect that not everyone will agree with me.  That would be strange if you all did.  But I ask you to trust that my intent is to do what you all want.  It's your forum.  It has to serve askers and answers, and changes need to fix more than they break.
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