I am trying to use share package tool in ArcMap 10.4 to upload a map tile package that I created using ArcMap 10.3.but the tool keeps failing tried it several times, this is the message I get in the results window:
Want to know do I have to recreate the map tile package in ArcMap 10.4 or it is something else that is causing it to fail.
Can you show the error message from the geoprocessing results window?
I did attach an image, did it not come through? here I can paste it again:
Hi Saloni,
To further expand on what I meant - usually the key error messages are under the "Messages" heading. Were there any more messages after the "Start Time: Tue May 10 10:46:53 2016" message?
No there are, not that's all it says in messages:
I would rebuild the tile package with 10.4 -- I would do this anyway to make sure everything is going to work optimally.