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Shadow of building footprint height

09-08-2016 05:07 AM
Deactivated User

I'm interested in calculating the shadow of building footprints, considering the height of buildings, in a certain time and date of the year. I have an attribute including building footprint and height of each of them (attached). I've tried 'sun shadow' tool. The results are not convincing. The shadow volume falls below the surface terrain which is obviously strange! Have a look:

Exploring the web I came across a script posted on Geographic Information Systems Stack Exchange. It almost looks like what I would be interested to do. There is a script where one could calculate the 2D shadow of buildings considering their height, however, not specified for a certain time or date of the year.

here is the link to the web and the script:


import arcpy
import os
import math
import multiprocessing
import time

############################    Configuration:    ##############################
# Specify scratch workspace
scratchws = r"c:\temp\bldgshadowtest" # MUST be a folder, not a geodatabase!

# Specify output field name for the original FID
origfidfield = "ORIG_FID"

# Specify the number of processors (CPU cores) to use (0 to use all available)
cores = 0

# Specify per-process feature count limit, tune for optimal
# performance/memory utilization (0 for input row count divided by cores)
procfeaturelimit = 0

# TIP: Set 'cores' to 1 and 'procfeaturelimit' to 0 to avoid partitioning and
# multiprocessing completely

def message(msg, severity=0):
    print msg

        for string in msg.split('\n'):
            if severity == 0:
            elif severity == 1:
            elif severity == 2:

def getOidRanges(inputFC, oidfield, count):
    oidranges = []
    if procfeaturelimit > 0:
        message("Partitioning row ID ranges ...")
        rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC, "", "", oidfield, "%s A" % oidfield)
        minoid = -1
        maxoid = -1
        for r, row in enumerate(rows):
            interval = r % procfeaturelimit
            if minoid < 0 and (interval == 0 or r == count - 1):
                minoid = row.getValue(oidfield)
            if maxoid < 0 and (interval == procfeaturelimit - 1 or r == count - 1):
                maxoid = row.getValue(oidfield)
            if minoid >= 0 and maxoid >= 0:
                oidranges.append([minoid, maxoid])
                minoid = -1
                maxoid = -1
        del row, rows
    return oidranges

def computeShadows(inputFC, outputFC, oidfield, shapefield, heightfield, azimuth, altitude, outputSR="", whereclause=""):
    # Set outputs to be overwritten just in case; each subprocess gets its own environment settings

    # Create in-memory feature class for holding the shadow polygons
    tempshadows = r"in_memory\tempshadows"
        "POLYGON", "", "", "",
    arcpy.AddField_management(tempshadows, origfidfield, "LONG")

    # Open a cursor on the input feature class
    searchfields = ",".join([heightfield, oidfield, shapefield])
    rows = arcpy.SearchCursor(inputFC, whereclause, "", searchfields)

    # Open an insert cursor on the in-memory feature class
    tempinscur = arcpy.InsertCursor(tempshadows)

    # Create array for holding shadow polygon vertices
    arr = arcpy.Array()

    # Compute the shadow offsets.
    spread = 1/math.tan(altitude)

    # Read the input features
    for row in rows:
        oid = int(row.getValue(oidfield))
        shape = row.getValue(shapefield)
        height = float(row.getValue(heightfield))

        # Compute the shadow offsets.
        x = -height * spread * math.sin(azimuth)
        y = -height * spread * math.cos(azimuth)

        # Copy the original shape as a new feature
        tempnewrow = tempinscur.newRow()
        tempnewrow.setValue(origfidfield, oid) # Copy the original FID value to the new feature
        tempnewrow.shape = shape

        # Compute the wall shadow polygons and insert them into the in-memory feature class
        for part in shape:
            for i,j in enumerate(range(1,part.count)):
                pnt0 = part
                pnt1 = part
                if pnt0 is None or pnt1 is None:
                    continue # skip null points so that inner wall shadows can also be computed

                # Compute the shadow offset points
                pnt0offset = arcpy.Point(pnt0.X+x,pnt0.Y+y)
                pnt1offset = arcpy.Point(pnt1.X+x,pnt1.Y+y)

                # Construct the shadow polygon and insert it to the in-memory feature class
                [arr.add(pnt) for pnt in [pnt0,pnt1,pnt1offset,pnt0offset,pnt0]]
                tempnewrow.shape = arr
                tempnewrow.setValue(origfidfield, oid) # Copy the original FID value to the new feature
                arr.removeAll() # Clear the array so it can be reused

    # Clean up the insert cursor
    del tempnewrow, tempinscur

    # Dissolve the shadow polygons to the output feature class
    dissolved = arcpy.Dissolve_management(tempshadows, outputFC, origfidfield).getOutput(0)

    # Clean up the in-memory workspace

    return dissolved

if __name__ == "__main__":

    # Read in parameters
    inputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
    outputFC = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
    heightfield = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(2) #Must be in the same units as the coordinate system!
    azimuth = math.radians(float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(3))) #Must be in degrees
    altitude = math.radians(float(arcpy.GetParameterAsText(4))) #Must be in degrees

    # Get field names
    desc = arcpy.Describe(inputFC)
    shapefield = desc.shapeFieldName
    oidfield = desc.oidFieldName

    count = int(arcpy.GetCount_management(inputFC).getOutput(0))
    message("Total features to process: %d" % count)

    #Export output spatial reference to string so it can be pickled by multiprocessing
    if arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem:
        outputSR = arcpy.env.outputCoordinateSystem.exportToString()
    elif desc.spatialReference:
        outputSR = desc.spatialReference.exportToString()
        outputSR = ""

    # Configure partitioning
    if cores == 0:
        cores = multiprocessing.cpu_count()
    if cores > 1 and procfeaturelimit == 0:
        procfeaturelimit = int(math.ceil(float(count)/float(cores)))

     # Start timing
    start = time.clock()

    # Partition row ID ranges by the per-process feature limit
    oidranges = getOidRanges(inputFC, oidfield, count)

    if len(oidranges) > 0: # Use multiprocessing
        message("Computing shadow polygons; using multiprocessing (%d processes, %d jobs of %d maximum features each) ..." % (cores, len(oidranges), procfeaturelimit))

        # Create a Pool of subprocesses
        pool = multiprocessing.Pool(cores)
        jobs = []

        # Get the appropriately delmited field name for the OID field
        oidfielddelimited = arcpy.AddFieldDelimiters(inputFC, oidfield)

        # Ensure the scratch workspace folder exists
        if not os.path.exists(scratchws):

        for o, oidrange in enumerate(oidranges):
            # Build path to temporary output feature class (dissolved shadow polygons)
            # Named e.g. <scratchws>\dissolvedshadows0000.shp
            tmpoutput = os.path.join(scratchws, "%s%04d.shp" % ("dissolvedshadows", o))

            # Build a where clause for the given OID range
            whereclause = "%s >= %d AND %s <= %d" % (oidfielddelimited, oidrange[0], oidfielddelimited, oidrange[1])

            # Add the job to the multiprocessing pool asynchronously
            jobs.append(pool.apply_async(computeShadows, (inputFC, tmpoutput, oidfield, shapefield, heightfield, azimuth, altitude, outputSR, whereclause)))

        # Clean up worker pool; waits for all jobs to finish

         # Get the resulting outputs (paths to successfully computed dissolved shadow polygons)
        results = [job.get() for job in jobs]

            # Merge the temporary outputs
            message("Merging temporary outputs into output feature class %s ..." % outputFC)
            arcpy.Merge_management(results, outputFC)
            # Clean up temporary data
            message("Deleting temporary data ...")
            for result in results:
                message("Deleting %s" % result)
    else: # Use a single process
        message("Computing shadow polygons; using single processing ...")
        computeShadows(inputFC, outputFC, oidfield, shapefield, heightfield, azimuth, altitude, outputSR)

    # Stop timing and report duration
    end = time.clock()
    duration = end - start
    hours, remainder = divmod(duration, 3600)
    minutes, seconds = divmod(remainder, 60)
    message("Completed in %d:%d:%f" % (hours, minutes, seconds))

Is there a way to convert this into a ArcToolbox? Unfortunately I have no knowledge on scripting
I appreciate any feedback and tip. I have attached


15 Replies
Deactivated User

it stays at the end of my Question:

0 Kudos
MVP Alum

Okay, did have a look at this.

And, yes, those shadow multipatches produced by the shadow volume tool do look rather odd. (my version 10.4.1).

Bit of a mystery why they should protrude into the ground like that.

Did load the original shapefile into a fgdb.

Then added Z, set to 0.0.

Checked the geometry as well.

These shadows from a single time at 12 noon today.

Is this a bug? Been a long time since I used any of this shadow stuff. I can't recall it generating shadows which are +200m under the Z values.

Is there someone in the 3d analyst team we could tag here?

Deactivated User

Well, thats what I was dealing with. It looks strange, doesn't it...!
I found an answer to it on I understood his point, coulnd't follow the step he mentioned. Pls take a look at it and see i you get the steps...

arcgis desktop - Multipatch footprint of Sun Shadow Volume in ArcScene (removal of below ground shad... 

0 Kudos
MVP Alum

The methodology is pretty easy.

As you can see i did construct a simple polygon to cover the area of the data with its Z also at 0.

In ArcScene, extrude it to a ht bigger than your building, I think I used 20m.

Then save this as a layer file. Then in tool box, use the 3d Analyst tools / Conversion / Layer 3d to Feature class to make this a multipatch.

Then use the 3d analyst tools / 3d features / Intersect 3d tool to intersect the big box with the shadows.

You are left with only the parts of the shadows which are above ground.

Deactivated User

It's been my experience that multiprocessing and tool box don't play well with one another. You're be better off running as a stand alone script.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Has anyone been able to get this script/tool to work?  I can't seem to get the tool to perform as expected.


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