You are welcome.
Once again the NEAR_DIST values are always in the units of your input features. If your input are in GCS, the NEAR_DIST values will be in decimal degrees, which is not appropriate for distance analysis. You really should project your data to a proper projection based on the geographic location; you will then know the units of the coordinates (meters, ft). You can check the feature units by right-clicking your feature class - Properties - Coordinate System tab.
Let's say your projected data is in meters; then the NEAR_DIST values will be in meters no matter what units you specify for the search radius. We provide the list of search radius units for you to choose from is only for your convenience, e.g. you like to think of it in kilometers (km). When you specify 10 km for search radius, you may get some NEAR_DIST values of 100, 500, 800, etc. - these are in feature units, i.e. meters in this example.
In order to have a field with values in km, you would need to use Add Field to add a field, e.g. NEAR_DIST_KM and then use Calculate Field to divide the NEAR_DIST values by 1000 to get 0.1, 0.5, 0.8 etc km.
Hope this helps you understand what's happening.