After a brief moment of euphoria I crashed back down to earth...
I created a parameter from Make Variable>From Environment>Processing Extent>Extent and deleted the precondition link and added a direct link which seemingly linked to the Create Fishnet>Template Extent. While it seemingly should work - it didn't.
I also right clicked on the "Create Fishnet" tool in my model and messed around (without have much clue) with the properties hoping to make Same as Display Processing Extent dynamic. I selected Environments>Processing Extent>Values and set the processing extent as "same as display" it always reverts to "as specified below" which is whatever you last set it as. Plus, I set extent as a precondition not that I know what that means. Either way, none of it worked.
I also called ESRI and showed an analyst what i was trying to do - I didn't get much of an explanation as to why it wouldn't work as it seemed that it should and he kept trying to get me to use some tool for data driven maps and tools in ArcInfo which I certainly don't have.
So we head back to Calculate Values but I need some help.
Key problems are:
1) When you manually use the Create Fishnet tool and enter Top, Bottom, Left, Right - the Origin and Y-Axis and Opposite corner of Fishnet coordinates are automatically calculated from your Template Extent. When you use processing extent as a variable they don't fill in automatically. You get some crazy extents that don't have anything to do with anything.
2) The only part of the model that is "colored" as in has values is the Extent which is a "bad thing" because while it will work, sometimes, on the first go around - the values never seem to reset. So
So - if I have to use Calculate Values - what am I trying to calculate - I'm really just trying to pull coordinates (points) from the Display Extent and sent them to Create Fishnet - no real calculations.
Any ideas with this?
Curtis - I checked out that link and I think what I'm trying to do is much simpler - anyway to get display extent coordinates using python?