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Selecting features in table on which to run model

10-11-2011 06:59 PM
Emerging Contributor
I was not sure whether to post this question to the geoprocessing forum or the ArcGIS Flex Viewer forum.

I have a model where I need the user to be able to select one feature in the shapefile (a county of their choice) to run the model on. I don't want to create a new shapefile with this selection because I need the original shapefile with the one value calculated to be output as a table at a later point in my model.

To accomplish this I used make feature layer, and did this from a variable of an expression. The expression is just an sql expression which specifies the county the user wants. The problem with this is it is just a string and currently the user would need to type the string exactly in order to make the model work. We are running this model using the Geoprocessing Widget in Flex Viewer. Ideally I would like the user to be able to click on the county of their choice on the map, or choose the correct county from a drop down and use that as the basis for the make feature layer input parameter. Is this possible? I'm open to absolutely any suggestion.
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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Try creating a value list for the country name.

Check the first part of this blog
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Emerging Contributor
I was ultimately able to accomplish this by first making a feature layer from my shapefile and then using select layer by location.
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