I want to clip the USA population into individual rasters with counties boundaries as output extent. First, I want to select a county, then use select by location to select all the boundary touching counties. I want these selected features as the clipping extent of the output raster. The output is saved as the objectID of the initially selected county.
I used model builder, but I've problems. I'm successfully able to generate a raster for 1st county. But for the rest all, I'm getting errors. I've attached the pictures. Please help me.
The error suggests that all the data are not in the same coordinate system
The error persists even after I convert all the layers to the same coordinate system.
Perhaps show your map. You used the Project tool (for vector) and Project Raster (for raster) to do any necessary projections I presume.
I used the project tool for counties shapefile and project rasters for population data.
I was still getting the same error. But I don't understand is every time I run the model, the First clip was successfully created, and the further all are getting the error. Is it have to do anything with the feature iterate selection?