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Select by location in Model builder.

05-24-2022 10:35 PM
Occasional Contributor

I want to clip the USA population into individual rasters with counties boundaries as output extent. First, I want to select a county, then use select by location to select all the boundary touching counties. I want these selected features as the clipping extent of the output raster. The output is saved as the objectID of the initially selected county. 

I used model builder, but I've problems. I'm successfully able to generate a raster for 1st county. But for the rest all, I'm getting errors. I've attached the pictures. Please help me.


saidurgamalleswarthota_0-1653456902379.pngScreenshot 2022-05-25 141643.png


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4 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

The error suggests that all the data are not in the same coordinate system

... sort of retired...
Occasional Contributor

The error persists even after I convert all the layers to the same coordinate system.

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MVP Esteemed Contributor

Perhaps show your map.  You used the Project tool (for vector) and Project Raster (for raster) to do any necessary projections I presume.

... sort of retired...
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Occasional Contributor

I used the project tool for counties shapefile and project rasters for population data.



I was still getting the same error. But I don't understand is every time I run the model, the First clip was successfully created, and the further all are getting the error. Is it have to do anything with the feature iterate selection?

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