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Running Models-Multiple Users

03-03-2014 05:44 AM
Regular Contributor
Whenever I create a model and run it, the model works great.  When a co-worker runs a model i create, it doesn't work for her.  The same thing happens when i try to run a model she creates.  Does anyone have any ideas on why this may be?  Our data is on our network where we both have permissions to read/write to.  I would appreciate any suggestions.

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2 Replies
Regular Contributor
Thanks for the response.  Both of us are not mapped to the letter drive, but to the server path like you stated.  The model is like this as well.  This model is selecting a polygon and then copying the feature to memory.  Next a multiple ring buffer is created as output.  All inputs/outputs are   This is where the model is giving us the error on schema locking etc.
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Esteemed Contributor
Are there perhaps objects you need to delete from memory as they are staying in memory and therefore leaving locks in place?

Can you completely close ArcMap on 1 machine and see if the tool then works on the other machine?  Actually, I would go even further than that and close ArcMap on both machines before trying to run it on either machine as that should flush out any locks due to in memory usage.

Where does the data reside, as you never answered that question in your last response?