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Run modelbuidler in ArcMap only for selected records

06-21-2012 10:03 AM
Frequent Contributor
Hi all

I would like to run a modelbuilder script only for the selected records in a feature class.

how can I pass to modelbuilder only the features selected?

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4 Replies
Esri Notable Contributor
Use the Make Table View tool on your input feature class, then use the Select By Attribute tool to select features, then continue with the rest of your model.
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Esri Regular Contributor
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Frequent Contributor
Hello again,

How can I run it into ArcMap and make it point to a specific layer in the map, and for this layer only run for the selected features.

The goal is to have an editor run the model builder script after selecting a few points in a specific layer or after creating points in this same specific layer.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Make your input a model parameter (right-click on the oval and select Model Parameter). Now, run the model as a tool (double-click the model in the toolbox). If there is any selection, the tool should work only on the selected features.
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