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Riparian Area: How do I create a polygon based upon various widths of another polygon?

09-22-2014 02:16 PM
Deactivated User

I have an active floodplain polygon layer that has varying widths and a stream centerline layer (see attached zips) that I'd like to use to create a forested riparian buffer using the NRCS forest riparian standard calculations as attached and as follows:

If active floodplain is greater than 333 ft wide on either side of stream then (floodplain width * 0.30) - with a minimum distance of 100 ft

If active floodplain is less than 333 ft on either side of stream then (floodplain width * 0.30) - with a minimum distance of 45 ft

If active floodplain only on one side of stream then (floodplain width * 0.30) - with a minimum distance of 60 ft

Other inactive side equals a minimum distance of 35 ft

Let me know if you have further questions.

Thank you,


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