Regeocoding Aerials Tif Images

02-22-2011 03:01 PM
New Contributor
Our GIS project specification require to use   Phoenix Metro Aerials as a base Map. This Aerials  are exists in NAD83 HARN Arizona State Plane Projection  wkid =2762. There are around 1000 images.
Another Base Map of this project should be ESRI WORLD streets.
We have to bring our Aerials to the ESRI standards:  Projection -  WGS 84 (3857).. and than to create a compact cache.

What is a best way to do that ?
We already tryed arcpy modules : Project_management, ProjectRaster_management, but  with no luck.

Could you recomend tool/script/model for the performing of this operations  in a reasonable time ?

Thank you
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