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raster data analysis questions

10-11-2011 10:32 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have a raster population grid and a district shapefile overlaid on it. I want to do two things, which can be done with vector data but is proving to be difficult with raster data.

1) I want to identify the pixels with their unique IDs which fall within a district (Zonal statistics won't help as I do not want the 'SUM'). I am looking for something similar to what can be done with 'Spatial Join' tool when both the datasets are vector data (for example, identify the points with their unique IDs within a polygon). I tried changing the raster data to a polygon shapefile, but then cells which have the same population are being given the same 'Row ID'. I want each cell to have a separate ID.

2) Next, I want to see what percetage of the cells which lie in the boundary of two districts fall within each district. Please find attached a word document showing the raster data and then polygon shapefile overlaid on it. It is important for me to know what percentage of the boundary cells fall within each polygon for the purpose of the algorithm that we have developed.

Thanks very much. Any kind of help or advise will be greatly appreciated.

Thanks and Regards,
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
Have you tried converting the raster to a feature class and doing the analysis as you would with vector data?

An overview of the From Raster toolset
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