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Published GP Service keeps copying data to server

12-18-2012 06:25 AM
Regular Contributor II
I almost put this in the AGS 10.1 General section, but landed here.

So just like the title says, not matter how I try, when I publish my GP service (results from a model) the relevant SDE data gets copied to the server down in \\servername\arcgisserver\directories\arcgissystem\arcgisinput.

The SDE DB is registered with the GIS server and no warning/messages appear about copying data at the time of publishing. I've been through tech support and the incident was escalated. The model is very simple....essentially moving selected features from one FC to another via append. The GP service runs successfully on the server but appends to that fGDB copy that resides on the server. Is this expected behavior?
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22 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
Did you register your sde connection with server?

That can cause data to copy.
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Regular Contributor II
Already dice.
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Esri Regular Contributor
How did you register the sde connection (There are 2 ways)?  Do you have the associated folders registered as well?
If you do the same function via a python tool, not a model, do you see the same results?
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Regular Contributor II
registered via the gis server>server properties>data store. only talking about 2 FC here, both from the same GDB; i dont see how folders come into play.

I've done a bit of arcpy scripting successfully but dont have the time to get the parameters lined up when i convert to python (this model also uses in memory which i dont think is supported for python either).

when publishing there is no warning about data getting copied over, but its down there in the directories!.
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Regular Contributor II
interesting. So for the heck of it, i changed my registered SQL Express DB connection information to just the name of the instance... without \sqlexpress

I can see the correct gdb and it validates fine. Now i re-run my model and when i try to publish the results i'm warned about data getting copied to the server.
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Regular Contributor II
interesting. So for the heck of it, i changed my registered SQL Express DB connection information to just the name of the instance... without \sqlexpress

I can see the correct gdb and it validates fine. Now i re-run my model and when i try to publish the results i'm warned about data getting copied to the server.

still no joy. For the life of me, i cannot figure out why its copying the data...especially with no warning!
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Esri Regular Contributor
Can you make the simplest of map services with 1 or 2 of the same layers your GP tool uses and try to publish that?

Map and GP services follow the same rules, there could be a different code path they go down.

If map service copies the data then it at least shows its a wider issue or if not, then specific to GP.
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Deactivated User
Just a shot in the dark here: take a look at this topic A quick tour of publishing a geoprocessing service and scroll down until you find the section titled "Small output datasets".  It explains how output data is copied to the server in order to support map services.  This may or may not by your situation.
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Regular Contributor II
Yes, same service and same location, same sde db all publish as map and feature services.....the exact same data! The gp publishes, no warning of copying data, but it does! copy the data to the server and modifies the output of the model to that input directory. 2 weeks with tech support, escalated and still not working.

Simple data set running against sde behaves the same way.
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