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Proximity / Near

06-10-2013 03:06 PM
Deactivated User
Hello everybody,

I sure hope this is the right subforum. If not, please redirect!

I've been looking for hours for a simple tool, I can hardly believe why I havent found it yet! It's basicly what the "Near" tool does, but instead of returning the distance (or angle) of the nearest Feature, I want the tool to create a column with a value of my choosing.

For example: I have a couple of layer of points and one of polygons. The polygon layer has a column with the attribute "name". I want the near feature (in this case the polygon) to add the value "name" to the point feature.

Is that in any way possible? Thanks in advance,

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2 Replies
MVP Honored Contributor
Hello everybody,

I sure hope this is the right subforum. If not, please redirect!

I've been looking for hours for a simple tool, I can hardly believe why I havent found it yet! It's basicly what the "Near" tool does, but instead of returning the distance (or angle) of the nearest Feature, I want the tool to create a column with a value of my choosing.

For example: I have a couple of layer of points and one of polygons. The polygon layer has a column with the attribute "name". I want the near feature (in this case the polygon) to add the value "name" to the point feature.

Is that in any way possible? Thanks in advance,


That is what the Spatial Join tool does.  Set the tolerance to a level that you desire and probably use the Closest option.
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Frequent Contributor
The NEAR_FID, which the Near tool provides, is the FID of the feature in the other table.
You can do a table join based on the NEAR_FID to FID to access the attributes of the nearest feature.
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