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Procedure in Model Builder Needed

04-30-2011 09:55 AM
Occasional Contributor
Hi.. I'm new to geo processing tasks. I need to copy selected rows from the attribute table of the .lyr file. Cud anyone kindly suggest me a solution....
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4 Replies
Occasional Contributor III
Copy Rows tool maybe...
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Occasional Contributor III
Where do you want them to go? If you want them in a spreadsheet, you can highlight the row, right click in any gray box on the left hand side of the attribute table, select copy, move to the spreadsheet, right-click in a cell, and select paste. If you want them in a shapefile, make sure you are editing, make sure the target layer is set to the layer you want to copy, make your selection, right-click, copy, right-click paste.

You may be looking for something else because you asked about model builder. If I have misunderstood what you are looking for, could you be more clear about what, exactly, you'd like to accomplish?
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Occasional Contributor
Hi Dennis... I need a procedure to copy rows from attribute table of a layer.... The process to copy manually will be known to everyone i hope.. I need to do it using model builder r by a python script....How to do it....
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Occasional Contributor III
I'm sorry. I misunderstood what you were asking for.
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