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Population summary on flex

01-24-2014 12:06 AM
Deactivated User

I'm working on my little project which summarise population and shows it as a table. Population points are stored on my SDE. My model works fine in desktop, but when I publish it as a geoprocessing service, flexviewer returns an error "ESRI Job failed."

My model looks like this:

What is wrong in my model. Do I have to change temporary layers to GDB (SDE) shapefiles?
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1 Reply
Deactivated User
After a lot of cups of coffies I've found a solution.
When I had changed population points which was stored in SDE to geodatabase, project has started to work fine.
When using SDE points, an error was appearing in ArcGIS Server Manager logs.
Error:  000732: Dataset does not exist or is not supported

According to this technical solution I checked all possible problems, but all was fine.
- Data was on SDE,
- There were no subtypes,
- In my case there were no difference using forward or backward slashes,
- I don't have spaces in folder or file names,
- All of my data are in the same geographic projection,
- PostgreSQL Database in on Windows Server.

Temporary I'll use geodatabase for this purpose, but I must find a solution to work with SDE.
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