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Points to line fail

08-23-2013 12:27 AM
Emerging Contributor
Hi everybody,

The strangest error occurs to me! Working with GPS-data, I am creating lines from the dots that are the gps-signals from car rides.

Look a the picture: we see 3 things. The green dots, standing for some 120 car rides, the red lines, which is what the points to line tool created from them. You will notice that a lot of the lines converge around an area in the southwest of the area, although there are no dots there.

Now, my working file has some 5.4 million gps-points, creating about 110.000 car rides (it's 30-second data). The red lines are created when using the points-to-line tool for this file. The greens lines are something I've created as a test. I've selected a 100 lines and made a new shapefile and I ran point-to-line again. As you see, there are no errors this time.

Why does ArcGIS make this error? Is it really because of the size of my file? The error makes no sense to me.

Thank you!

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