I need some help with this script I am developing. I need the update cursor to overwrite the empty LOCALITY values in TWB_Property with the ADMINAREA from TWB_Suburbs that I have turned into a list. I know the code is a little messy and I also can not figure out how to display it all using this forum. Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
code begins below.
# Import modules import arcpy import os #Set workspace geodatabase arcpy.env.workspace = "C:\Users\Harry\Documents\Uni\Semester 1 2016\GIS3407 GIS Programming and Visualisation\Assignment 2\Assignment2.gdb" #Start an editing session edit = arcpy.da.Editor("C:\Users\Harry\Documents\Uni\Semester 1 2016\GIS3407 GIS Programming and Visualisation\Assignment 2\Assignment2.gdb") edit.startEditing(False, False) # Create a list of suburbs # Create an empty list localityList = [] #Create the search cursor rows = arcpy.SearchCursor("TWB_Suburbs") #Move to the first row row = rows.next() #Append the list with the selected locality name while row: localityList.append(str(row.ADMINAREA)) #Move to the next row row = rows.next() print(str(len(localityList)) + " <-- # of suburbs") del row, rows # Make a layer of all of the properties with no locality value # Create query nullQuery = '"LOCALITY" = \' \'' # Create layer nullLayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("TWB_Property", "TWB_Property_Layer", nullQuery) field = "LOCALITY" fc = "TWB_Property_Layer" #Counter counter = 0 # Select by location indexCounter = 0 print localityList for counter in range(0,len(localityList)): localityQuery = '"ADMINAREA" = ' + '\''+ localityList[indexCounter] + '\'' localityLayer = arcpy.MakeFeatureLayer_management("TWB_Suburbs", "TWB_Sububs_Layer", localityQuery) arcpy.SelectLayerByLocation_management("TWB_Property_Layer", "WITHIN", "TWB_Sububs_Layer") parcelList = [] sRows = arcpy.SearchCursor("TWB_Property_Layer") sRow = sRows.next() while sRow: parcelList.append(sRow) sRow = sRows.next() print ("There are " + str(len(parcelList)) + " empty locality fields in " + localityList[indexCounter]) numberParcel = int(len(parcelList)) with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, field) as cursor: for uRow in cursor: if uRow[0] == '': uRow[0] = str(localityList[indexCounter]) cursor.updateRow(uRow) arcpy.Delete_management("TWB_Sububs_Layer") counter += 1 indexCounter += 1 del uRow arcpy.Delete_management("TWB_Property_Layer") arcpy.Delete_management("TWB_Sububs_Layer")
Did you get an error message?
I am surprised it gets past your paths... they need to be in raw format ie r"c:\yourpathhere\your.gdb"
and you would be advised to use paths that don't contain spaces or other stuff.
for paths Filenames and file paths in Python
code formatting Code Formatting... the basics++
First just a piece of advice - Python string substitution is much easier than creating queries by adding strings:
localityQuery = '"ADMINAREA" = ' + '\''+ localityList[indexCounter] + '\'' localityQuery = '"ADMINAREA" = \'{}\''.format(localityList[indexCounter]) # better
Also you may do better in the update query by checking for null values (not just blank):
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(fc, field) as cursor: for uRow in cursor: if uRow[0] in ['', None]: uRow[0] = str(localityList[indexCounter]) cursor.updateRow(uRow)