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Please help with offset linear referencing events.. it is very urgent!

05-02-2013 08:26 PM
Emerging Contributor
I'm trying to place events on one side of the route from a table that has a column with the distance in meters from the road to the right and does not work, please someone guide me or help on this issue.

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4 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor

Below is a screen shot of a single event offset to the right in ArcGIS 10.1. If you negate the offset figure it will draw on the left.

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Emerging Contributor
Thank you very much Duncan

Look at the picture you placed,
1. - It will be because I have version 10 Arcgis?,
2. - Why my points are very far from my route, if only for this case, the distance is 1.95 meters, I'm linking the data to a spreadsheet in excel and then create the event and generate my shapefile.
Where I am failing, I seemed very simple, but not if it is my Arcgis or is it a problem of scale, do not know what to do ...
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MVP Notable Contributor

Looking at your picture I can see that your dataset is in decimal degrees. ArcMap is assuming that your event data is also in decimal degrees hence the large offset. You either need to convert your distances in Excel into decimal degrees or reproject your spatial dataset into a coordinate system that has meter units (typically your national grid or UTM).

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Emerging Contributor
Thank you very much, the solution was under my nose ... and change my UTM projection and it worked. really appreciate the time you dedicate to my question, thank you very much.

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