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Parallel Processing Factor

05-30-2014 10:30 AM
Occasional Contributor III
Has anyone built a comprehensive list of the tools that honor the Parallel Processing Factor environmental setting?

I know some of the interpolation techniques (i think) and the geostatistical analyst tools honor them. just looking for a complete list.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
The Geostatistical Analyst tools do not honor the Parallel Processing Factor environmental setting. However, some of the Geostatistical tools do honor their own parallel processing factor, see: Parallel processing with multiple CPUs.

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Occasional Contributor III
The Geostatistical Analyst tools do not honor the Parallel Processing Factor environmental setting. However, some of the Geostatistical tools do honor their own parallel processing factor, see: Parallel processing with multiple CPUs.


Thank you for the info Steve!!

OK, so more stuff that does not honor this env. setting.... any info on what actually does honor this setting besides looking up every GP tool?.
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