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Ordinary Least Squares (OLS): Get attribute extent does not exist

09-13-2012 10:54 AM
New Contributor
I keep getting this error message after trying to execute the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) tool. Printout is below. I have gotten the same feature class to work fine before it's only after I run it though some model builder processes that I get this message. I have manipulated almost everything I can think of but still cannot determine what is causing the error message.

Executing: OrdinaryLeastSquares "HMW (8)" UniqID "T:\GIS\KAHO\Natural_Resources\Projects\Alien Veg Management\Economic Analysis\Deliverable\DASC.gdb\Hauling_Model\OLS" HAUL_MIN VEGLEPE;MW_DIST;MU_DIST;M_AREA # #
Start Time: Thu Sep 13 08:26:39 2012
Running script OrdinaryLeastSquares...
<type 'exceptions.AttributeError'>: DescribeData: Get attribute extent does not exist
Failed to execute (OrdinaryLeastSquares).
Failed at Thu Sep 13 08:26:46 2012 (Elapsed Time: 7.00 seconds)

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