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New Trail System Map, that can be integrated with Network Analysis

10-29-2021 11:58 AM
Regular Contributor

We have a trail system that I want to eventually use Network Analysis to help users to determine the best routes, whether they are biking, hiking and possibly the level of user. There seems to be extensive examples for this on roads, but I did see a post using this feature in Quebec

Is there any documentation on how to set up the initial layer? realize I can keep doing homework to learn how to incorporate Network Analysis but hoping to at least begin with the correct Layer structure...

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2 Replies
MVP Esteemed Contributor

Have you seen the tutorials?

Network Analyst tutorials—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation

... sort of retired...
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Regular Contributor

I tried to bring that one up, but for some reason the tutorial was a  bit disconbobulated, will try again tomorrow.

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