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Model Builder with Online Address Locator - How would you create

03-06-2012 03:11 AM
Deactivated User
Model Builder with Online Address Locator - How would you create
I'm trying to create a model that will geocode my addresses based on the online option in 10.0 ArcMap - Editor License Level using the North American Geocode. From what I have read this is a composite Address Locator. My initial thought was I would just have to recreate the Address Locator and save it - then add a reference to it within my model - part of the problem is I don't have some of the options that are used in the North American Geocode - namely the roof top reference. When I geocode using the online service most of my addresses are resolved with the Roof Top. My address numbers and streets are in one field where the city and state are each within their own respective fields. Any suggestions?
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1 Reply
Frequent Contributor
Hi Terry

As mentioned before, I'm unfortunately not familiar with geocoding but this is what I found out with a small amount of searching the ESRI Forums and Online Help.

In ArcMap 10, address locators are managed in the Address Locator Manager dialog box. The default locators include the geocode services from ArcGIS Online. By default, the active address locator is the 10.0 North America Geocode Service (TA_Address_NA_10) from ArcGIS Online.

I'm not sure if this is going to help you as it doesn't specifically say if it uses a Roof Top search. Peter
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