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Model Builder Select Data/Clip Function not Working

04-30-2012 10:16 AM
New Contributor
Hello everyone I am trying to build a model capable of converting an EEO file into feature dataset and then clipping some of the the resultant feature classes to the desired study area. See model below (attached). According to everything I have read I have to use the model only tool "select data" to pull the desired feature out of the feature data set before I can clip it.

Problem: When I run the model it craps after the select data function. I can not get the clip tool to work. Any ideas on how to fix this.
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4 Replies
Deactivated User
Hello. I am seeing similar issues. I need to run a Model from the 'Open' command (not in Edit) and without this process valid it will not run. I need to:

  • Create Geometric Network from river network (works fine)

  • With the newly created junction point layer I need to add a field

Sounds easy enough except using Select Data does not work right. I cannot pass the junction point layer along to ANY process.

Any ideas? I am using 10.1 Advanced.

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Frequent Contributor
You need to understand the difference between a feature class and a layer.

It is something like this:
A layer is like a view into a feature class, it is held in the computers memory, while the feature class stored on the disk. When you add a feature class to the viewer in ArcMap it becomes a layer.

However, when using model builder things are generally to be feature classes, but some tools only work on layers. Thus, you have to manually make some feature classes into layers for certain tools to work. You can do this using the Make Feature Layer tool, which is located in the ArcToolbox:
Data Management Tools\Layers and Table Views\Make Feature Layer

Make the feature class you were trying to select data on as the input, and pass the output of this into your Select Data tool...
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Deactivated User
Hi Stacey. Thank you for the reply. I seem to still be having trouble with making this work. I am unsure how to add a step before 'Select Data' since this can be the only way to retrieve junction point from the newly created geometric network. Even after I run the model and it actually creates the junctions, I am still unable to pass this along to 'Add Field' or any other tool.
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Frequent Contributor
The points might be read only. Can you make a feature layer of them then copy to a new place? Using CopyFeatures_managent or something like that...

Then you should be able to add a field to the new FC.
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