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Model builder: running the model from �??model builder�?� interface and �??open�?�,

10-19-2013 12:13 AM
Legendary Contributor
Model builder: running the model from �??model builder�?� interface and �??open�?�,

I�??m wondering why there is a difference between running a model from �??model builder�?� interface and �??open�?�

1. When the model (shown in the screenshot below) is run from the model builder interface, it behave as expected


2. When the model is run from the �??open�?� dialogue box, it doesn�??t bring the best route


What might be the issue here?

Thank you


Jamal Numan
Geomolg Geoportal for Spatial Information
Ramallah, West Bank, Palestine
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4 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor
You'll want to read this help topic here:

Note: Add to Display is a Model only setting that has no impact on the Model when it's being run as a Model tool outside the Modelbuilder Window.
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by Anonymous User
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You'll want to read this help topic here:

Note: Add to Display is a Model only setting that has no impact on the Model when it's being run as a Model tool outside the Modelbuilder Window.

Many thanks Kevin for the help,

Then how to show the �??best route�?� as the model is run from a �??model tool�?� but not from �??model window�?�?
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Esri Regular Contributor
That entire help topic is focused on solving the question you're asking. I'd suggest you read through it again.

To quote the 3rd paragraph:
Rather than opening ModelBuilder each time you want to process your dataset, wouldn't it be better if you could run the model using its tool dialog box, supplying the name of the input dataset by dragging a layer or dataset onto the dialog box, just as you would with a system tool? But when you open the tool dialog box, it displays This tool has no parameters, as illustrated below, so there is no way for you to enter the datasets you want to process.
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by Anonymous User
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That entire help topic is focused on solving the question you're asking. I'd suggest you read through it again.

To quote the 3rd paragraph:

Thank you Kevin for the prompt help,

My issue here is different. What I wanted to say is that when the �??model tool�?� is run then the �??best route�?� is not displayed on the map.


In return, when model window is run then the best route is displayed.


Then how to display the best route when the model tool is run?
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