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Model Builder Connector Lines

11-20-2013 02:34 AM
Regular Contributor
Is there an easy way to remove the "nodes" in a connector line. I have posted a picture of example. The actual model is much larger and has a large number of connectors all with "nodes" and now I need to rearrange the model. If you look at the picture when I move a tool the connector bends and I will have to do this all over a large model. I want to remove all the nodes and manipulate the contents of the model WITHOUT have to remove and replace all the connectors....
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2 Replies
MVP Notable Contributor
There is a way, not sure its documented but you can do it like this:

Say you have an output that is connected as an input to the next tool and it has 3 nodes. You click and hold on the node NEAREST to the arrow end of the connecting line and drag it into the tool its pointing to. You then repeat as many times as you require always taking the NEAREST node to the arrow end.

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Deactivated User
Have your tried setting the diagram properties and then clicking Auto Layout?  There are a bunch of options to layout a model.  For complex models, I set the Incremental Layout option to Active, then arrange my model elements near to my liking, then click Auto Layout.  It's a fun time waster!
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