Hi Jim, Thanks for your response.
1) I did have the "shapefile" created via the ArcCatalog. It was shown on the TOC of my mxd Map.
2) I re-did this thing and made sure that the XY coordinate Systems in the "Points" of my old input and the "Parcel" to be created were the same (i.e. they were matched). I executed it (i.e. picked 4 points to form a parcel) and I got the same error message.
I am lost completely now. Jim, do you have further comments or solutions to this problem? Please res[pond again.
Scott Chang
Hi Richard, Thanks for your response.
My friend has ArcGIS 10.0 in my organization and he used the XY coordinates of 8 points in Ft. McNair site (near Washington. DC) in eastern Marylad to input the 8 points and then he did the creating a 4-side parcel from 4 points by the method described in my first thread successfully. He did this kind of thing in the early version of ArcGIS many times before. He think that this problem may be an issue with ArcGIS 10.1 that is installed in the Window 7 Operating System. Any further thoughts or comments?
Scott Chang