Hi, I have arcmap 10.2, and I have to shapefiles, I want to shape file one to read data from shape file two based on a foreign key in shape file one, is it possible to do that?? And this to avoid repeating data in the attribute tables.
Hi Omar,
Have a look at this link, ArcGIS Help 10.1
Hi Riyas,
I have looked at what you mentioned, what I need exactly, is to know is it possible to join or relate tow attribute tables from two different shape files?
Hi Omar,
Confused a bit here, Have you got two shape files or two shape files and two tables? either way you can join or relate any number of shape files provided there is a common field across between the shape files.
I meant to join two shape files, not two tables, and I did it, Thanks
the term is merge if the geometry is the same