I have followed the instructions on the website for how to run an AML file. I have installed Workstation and changed the registry. However when I try to run it, it comes up with the window to choose the program to run the AML. Is there a reason for this? Has anyone else ran into this situation?
I haven't used ArcInfo Workstation in several years, but when I did I recall having to choose the correct mode. There are several:
Included with ArcInfo are the following tools:
Arcinfo Workstation | software.ncsu.edu
In terms of choosing which one, it boils down to what the your Arc Macro Language (AML) is trying to accomplish. For example, if the AML produces a map, use Arcplot. Many AMLs will also work in ARC:
I'd try ARC as a first step.
The general form to run the aml is this:
Arc: &r amlname.aml input output
Sorry if this is confusing - it's been a few years and I'm rusty.
Chris Donohue, GISP
Thanks but I should have clarified better. It is a Windows window asking for an installed program to run AML.
I have the same issue when trying to run an AML script in ArcGIS Desktop Advanced version 10.1. ESRI's help document suggests creating a toolbox and setting up the AML as a script to run in that toolbox.
I see the same issue - upon running the script, a Windows popup asks me to choose the program to run the AML (default it notebook).
What you mean you installed Workstation? I thought ArcInfo Workstation is now baked into ArcGIS Desktop Advanced.
No, ArcInfo Workstation is a separate program (and installation). A license for ArcInfo Workstation is included in an ArcGIS Advanced license though.