Hi, I have a model that selects iteratively elements from a point dataset and calculates a cost distance for each of these points. It works fine when I run it for just one dataset, but when I try to batch it I get the following error.
ERROR 000865: Input raster or feature source data: I_atlanta_OBJECTID does not exist. ERROR 000581: Invalid parameters.
The objective of the model is to calculate a cost distance to point features (1 cost distance raster for each point) in different datasets
this is the model
The problem is that the model is iterating the whole "Iterate feature class" process first and then passing to the next stage. and therefore is only calculating the cost distances for the last feature class. What should I do for getting the model to run 1 iteration in the "Iterate feature class" and passing to the next stage?
I would do the opposite of what you have done. I would place the Iterate Selection and Cost Distance model into the other model with the Iterate Feature Class tool.
I would do the opposite of what you have done. I would place the Iterate Selection and Cost Distance model into the other model with the Iterate Feature Class tool.
Dear Thales,
I tried your suggestion and I got this error:
ERROR 000732: Input raster or feature source data: Dataset I_atlanta_OBJECTID does not exist or is not supported
This is the model
The problem seems to be that from a nested model, the variable "atlanta" becomes I_atlanta_OBJECTID when I called from a submodel as you suggested. I tried copying the selected feature to a new dataset before of calculating the distances, but I get the same error. Evenmore, this is exactly the same error I get when I try to run the model in batch mode. Is this a known issue in arcgis? Please any advice?