Invalid extent for output coordinate system. A locator with this name does not exist.

07-01-2010 10:04 AM
New Contributor II
I have a polygon dataset with an undefined coordinate system and no access to source data (I have inherited this dataset with no lineage or metadata and the task to get it into a file gdb).
Its extent:

Upper: 4747987
Right: 473086
Bottom: 4637196
Left: 384363

It looks like NAD27 to me and should be in SW Oregon/NW California.  I have tried defining it as such, but when reprojecting to Albers EAC I get the dreaded "99999 error. Invalid extent for output coordinate system. A locator with this name does not exist."  I have tried NAD83 as well; no luck.  I have read that inspecting the source data for errors (transposed lat and long, proper notation for east v. west) can help; I don't have point data nor access to source data.  I have 6 or so of these datasets to contend with.  How can I get them into my file geodatabase in Albers EAC?

Dorena Genetic Resource Center
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New Contributor II
Figured it out: solved.  I thought the datasets would be defined using a GCS, it didn't occur to me that they may be defined in a projected coordinate system already.  They were (NAD27 UTM Zone 10N). 

For future searchers of this problem: Based on the extent, define as Projected Coordinate System >> UTM >> NAD 27 >> appropriate zone (Zone 10N for my dataset).  Reprojection is straightforward from here.