I am working on Identification of Secondary crashes and proposed method is segment based. Following is the scenario:
1. The entire roadway network consists of several thousand links (which are polylines)
2. I used the Split tool under Editor to split a single link but Split command becomes grayed when when I do multiple selection.
I would appreciate any help on this. Thanks !
One workflow might be to create station points along the line network at 1 mile intervals (using ETGeoTools free functions). That tools outputs the point locations which could then be used to Split Line by Point (Esri ArcCatalog tool). Probably a couple of other ways to tackle this as well, I'm sure the community will chip in, good luck!
Arcpy implementation (then Split by Lines):
>>> fc = "YOUR_LAYER_NAME" ... points = [] ... step = 2 # map units ... sr = arcpy.Describe(fc).spatialReference ... with arcpy.da.SearchCursor(fc,"SHAPE@", spatial_reference=sr) as cursor: ... for row in cursor: ... for i in range(int(row[0].length/step)): ... point = row[0].positionAlongLine(i*step) ... points.append(point) ... arcpy.CopyFeatures_management(points, r'in_memory\points')
This has been referenced several times with success... from Arcpy Cafe
EDITs ( by me.... thanks to Darren)
from that link
segmentAlongLine ==>> ArcMap 10.3 arcpy Polyline class, segmentAlongLine
That Arcpy Café link, indicates, somewhat out of sight, and within the comments
Their edit
EDIT: As was pointed out in the comments, the segmentAlongLine is new at 10.3.
Soooo it will or won't solve your problem, depending upon Arcmap version
Just a small nit-pick: the method in your link splits lines into x equal lengths, not segments of x length. Subtle difference, and I am sure it has been solved elsewhere, but not there.
Hey Darren, I need to split a road network into 100m segments. I encounter problems in the split because ArcGIS pro auto splits the network at nodes. Any chance you can offer some advice?