Original User: frankv3
how do you send the results of geoprocessing tools in model builder to a python script that has been added to the model?
The model fails for some reason, but it doesn't say why in the results
this is the script:
# Import arcpy module
import arcpy
import sys
import os
import types
# Load required toolboxes
arcpy.ImportToolbox("Model Functions")
# Script arguments
AltNum = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(0)
DXFWorkspace = arcpy.GetParameterAsText(1)
# Process: Get Field Value
SX = arcpy.GetFieldValue_mb(Parcel_XY_View, "X_COORD", "Double", "0")
# Process: Get Field Value (2)
SY = arcpy.GetFieldValue_mb(Parcel_XY_View, "Y_COORD", "Double", "0")
X1 = SX - 1000
Y1 = SY - 1000
X2 = SX + 1000
Y2 = SY + 1000
coord = ('-1000.000000,-1000.00000 %s,%s' + '\n' + '1000.00000,1000.00000 %s,%s')%(X1,Y1,X2,Y2)
Afile = r"%s\%s.wld"%(DXFWorkspace,AltNum)
Wfile = file(Afile, 'w')