Update: I have been able to get close to where I want to be.
Goal: Create polygons around points which are of the same species and within 100' of each other. Polygons may contain 2 or more points. Multiple species are interspersed, so a polygon for species X may 1) overlap points for other species, 2) overlap other polygons which were generated for those other species. Each point that contributed to the generation of a given polygon will have in its attribute table a reference to the ID of that polygon. However, if a point is overlapped by a polygon of a different species, it should not reference that polygon in its attribute table.
Status: I have been able to use the Generate Near Table tool to identify points within 100' of each other. I then created a buffer, using the dissolve feature to create separate buffers for each species. I then exploded the buffers so that each cluster of points had its own polygon surrounding it. So far, so good.
Issue: I am now at a new sticking point. I want to identify which points "belong" to each polygon. Some points lie within polygons but don't belong to them because the points are of a different species than the points that contributed to the generation of the polygon. Some polygons of different species overlap, so that some points lie within two different polygons, even though belonging to only one of them.
The problem is, if I do a spatial join of points to polygons, ArcGIS grabs the info from either polygon, so I can't be sure that a given point is related to the proper polygon. If I do a spatial join of polygons to points, ArcGIS grabs the info from whatever point is "closest" to the polygon, whether or not the point belongs to the polygon. So no matter which way I perform the join, I can't trust ArcGIS to have joined polygons to the points that generated them.
How can I get the proper polygons' identifier into the attribute table for the points, but only if the point belongs to the polygon?
Much head scratching here.
Thanks for any ideas.