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how to convert pre-7.0 coverage to usable format in ArcGIS 10

07-09-2012 09:13 AM
New Contributor
I have several DVDs of legacy data that are stored in pre-7.0 coverage format. I have read how to convert the files using v7, 8, and 9, but do not see any discussion regarding v10. Does anyone have a suggestion as to how I can update these data to a currently usable format?

Jason Sutter
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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor
The import utility for ArcGIS coverage .E00 files can be found at C:\Program Files\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Bin or C:\Program Files (x86)\ArcGIS\Desktop10.0\Bin. Your looking for Import71.exe. This can be directly. In ArcCatalog, you can find this command in the 'ArcView 8x Tools' toolbar, where it is called Import From Interchange File. This should work for v6 to v7.1 E00 files.

If you have a ArcInfo coverages (to include the .\info folder and the .\youcoverage folder), add the coverage into ArcMap and
copy the data to a feature class or shapefile using Data | Export. Note you do not need an ArcInfo license to do this.

Hope this helps.
0 Kudos
New Contributor
Thanks for the reply. However, the pre-7.0 coverages are not in *.e00 format, they are actually coverages. I suppose if I could convert them into *.e00, then use the tools as described it would work. Does anyone know how to package a pre-7.0 coverage to *.e00 file?
0 Kudos
MVP Alum
Thanks for the reply. However, the pre-7.0 coverages are not in *.e00 format, they are actually coverages. I suppose if I could convert them into *.e00, then use the tools as described it would work. Does anyone know how to package a pre-7.0 coverage to *.e00 file?

These coverages should be readable - are you not able to view them?

If you can view the coverages, as Richard said, you can copy the feature classes to a geodatabase workspace. If they are missing coordinate system information, and you know what it is, you can define the coordinate system after copying them using the Define Projection tool. You could do this in a model by using an iterator with the Copy Features tool.

ps The only way to create an .e00 file is to have a copy of ArcInfo Workstation.
pss in Arc 10, the e00 importer has been exposed as the Import From E00 tool.