How long does it take to create an address locator??? I've downloaded a county shapefile from US Census (t1_2015_25001_addrfeat) which is the tiger line file for Barnstable County, Massachusetts.
I am attempting to create a locator file using Arctoolbox - the system doesn't seem to be doing anything, but there is a file created now with zero bytes (
I'm assuming this is for the address locator - but how long will this run before it is completed? Any ideas?
I'm running Windows 10 on a laptop with 8 meg RAM.
This can all depend on the size of the data you are using; and the type of Geocoder you are building. If you are building one of the single-field types with a layer/feature with only a couple hundred rows than a couple minutes is expected; but if you are building a state-wide point layer using address elements then you could see 10-15 minutes easily.