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How do you document a process in model builder for ArcGIS 10?

07-19-2010 03:06 AM
MVP Notable Contributor

We have just accquired the new ArcGIS 10 and I have been experimenting with model builder. I'm a big fan in documenting such tools as I never remember why, when & how I did things 6 months ago!

In 9.3 when you were in model builder you could right-click on a process (the yellow box) and "edit documentation". This does not exist any more in ArcGIS 10, or does it and you have to access it via some other route?

In ArcCatalog 10 you can add documentation to a parameter through Item description but I have yet to find a way how to document the process. Has this been dropped?

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19 Replies
Deactivated User
Does this article help?

HowTo:  Add descriptive text in the model dialog

Please let me know if you have any feedback on this process!

Yes, this article helps, but we shouldn't have to search the forum to find this information. There should be a way to right-click on the model in ArcMap to add this information (if there is already, I couldn't figure it out). I do like the new system once I found it though, it is pretty clean and easy to use.

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Emerging Contributor
Does this article help?

HowTo:  Add descriptive text in the model dialog

Please let me know if you have any feedback on this process!

Yes, the article helps to a point, but there is still functionality missing.  I will say that I had not found the "Description" tab in ArcCatalog. However, after looking at it with some of my models, it still does not replace the older, "tool-by-tool" description.  This only allows you to add descriptions for the tools you set as "model parameters."  What about the other tools?  Can I not document what they do as well?  Maybe I missed that also - if I have, please correct me.  If not, then ESRI seriously needs to consider allowing documentation on ALL tools again, like in previous versions.  In many of my models, I will only set 4 or 5 tools out of a total of 30 or 40 in the model to parameters, so I can just double click on the model and run from the GUI, only having to change a few things.  I still need to document the "behind the scenes" processes so that 1) I can look back and understand the rationale behind what I created and 2) so that others can understand what I have done if they have to follow behind me.  Am I missing something?  Thanks.

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Emerging Contributor
I have no problems accessing the "edit item description" window through the toolbox in arcmap, I don't need to go through arccatalog as previous posters have suggested.  Perhaps this was changed in SP2?

But what I do find is that when I first click EDIT not all of the fields are available.  But if I click SAVE, leave the editing environment and then click EDIT again to return, new fields pop up (like syntax).  See the attached screen dumps of the first and second time I open the EDIT ITEM DESCRIPTION window.

I assume this is a bug, because I don't otherwise understand the purpose... or?  Can someone enlighten me?
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Deactivated User
Thanks so much for this, I've been searching for ages. This has to be one of the top disasters in ESRI's interface. I really don't see how they can justify the fact that some of the metadata are editable in ArcToolbox, but once you highlight it in Catalog all the parameters magically appear. In my opinion this is extremely poor design and very confusing to users!

In following up on these issues, I have discovered the following:

In ArcCatalog, select (highlight) the tool in the Catalog Tree window first, then right-click the tool in the ArcToolbox window.  Click on Item Description & click on the Edit button in the Item Description window.  Make edits as needed (e.g., Dialog Reference, etc.) & click save.  Now, when the tool is re-opened, its dialog will show the documentation revisions.

So, yes, I found what I was missing, & I hope this helps others.  But I feel that ESRI should clarify their Help documentation on this topic.  In "A quick tour of documenting tools and toolboxes" in ArcGIS 10 Help, it should state upfront that the tool needs to be selected in the Catalog Tree window before doing anything.

Chris Morneau
L.A. County Dept. of Regional Planning
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Deactivated User
I'm afraid I dont see the "Item Description" option at all. I am using ArcGIS 10, full version. (Build 2800)

When I right click on my model, I get:
Set Password...
Export Script (grayed)
Import Script (grayed)

I don't see any Item Description.
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Esri Regular Contributor
Within ArcCatalog there is no Item Description on the right click menu. The "Description" is a tab, part of the main window. If you just click on the model, you should have 3 tabs - description being one of them.
Within ArcMap's Catalog Window, you get a Item Description off the right click context menu and from there it opens a new Item Description window.

Hope this helps

I'm afraid I dont see the "Item Description" option at all. I am using ArcGIS 10, full version. (Build 2800)

When I right click on my model, I get:
Set Password...
Export Script (grayed)
Import Script (grayed)

I don't see any Item Description.
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Deactivated User
Yes, thank you.
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Esri Regular Contributor
The Item Description issue is fixed with 10 sp2.
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New Contributor
I'm using ArcGIS 10.0, SP 5,
but opening the Item Description Window from ArcMap doesn't show the syntax section and won't let me edit the description for the Model Parameters.
As mentioned above it works from ArcCatalog via Description Tab.
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Deactivated User

Whenever I create a new model or process I also create a Word doc with directions on how to use it in addition to filling out the pertinent metadata.  I have found what works best for me is that we have a FTP site, but I assume a DropBox would work also, where I put my documents and I simply hyperlink them to the metadata.  Works well for adding those extra steps.


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