I used a state address locator to geocode a list of addresses. I want to perform an interactive rematch, but using the ESRI Geocoder for all unmatched addresses. I can not choose the ESRI Locator in the interactive rematch window, is this not possible? I am signed into my ArcGIS account. I have also tried setting the ESRI locator to the "active" locator.
Any help would be appreciated.
@KevinKuhn At the 2.7 release of ArcGIS Pro we added the ability to rematch with a different locator than the original locator used to geocode a table. You could also modify some of the settings of the locator that was originally used. Please see the "Match with new locator" section of the rematch help topic. https://pro.arcgis.com/en/pro-app/2.7/help/data/geocoding/rematch-locations-converted-from-a-table.h...