Thanks for the fast reply Dale, much appreciated.
I tried running the Feature to Polygon tool, but that didn't correct the problem.
Here are the parameters I used to create my fishnet:
arcpy.CreateFishnet_management("D:/LECZ/output/ARE_output.gdb/fishnet_test","51 22","51 32","0.0083333333","0.0083333333","0","0","57 27","NO_LABELS","D:/LECZ/fldgrids/arefld","POLYGON")
It is worth mentioning that the differences appear some 9 decimal places deep, I have been thinking about whether that precision would even matter for my purposes.
However, there is certainly a structure to the differences.
I am running ArcGIS
Release Version: 10.1
Product Version:
Thank you for your help with this,