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Execute stored procedure throgh geo-processsing service

06-03-2014 05:44 AM
Deactivated User
Hello All,

It might be basic question but I want to run stored procedure in ArcGIS and according to (google search +support+ forums ) its not possible.

Currently I am using this ArcPy script where I am executing stored procedure & its working fine outside the ArcGIS i.e. in Pyscripter.

When I execute in ArcMap (through python window) its working fine and result is appearing in result window. Now I want to make tool so that I can :

1.Create feature class in ArcMap suing the result.
2.Create Geo-processing service

So my question is it possible ? Because I have not seen similar scripts on anywhere..

So any help/any alternate workflow/steps   will be great !!!

Software suit : ArcGIS 10.1

thanks in advance
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