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Distance between point and raster?

01-16-2015 12:13 AM
Deactivated User


I've a specific problem in calculating the distance between points and a raster:

I've some sampling points (point layer) and want to measure the distance between a point and

f.ex. the land-use class water (raster layer).

Has anyone a clue how to do this? I'm really stuck in this problem.


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2 Replies
MVP Emeritus

Have you ruled out the Euclidean distance tool since the source cell can be a raster or a feature class?  If so, maybe you can convert the raster to a feature class to yield polygons then use the Proximity Tools for example the Near tool may be useful or maybe even a simple spatial join ...

Deactivated User


Because I've so many informations in the map, I convert the raster to polygon as you suggested and then used the Near Tool.

Thanks very much!

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